Mastering Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Show/Hide it with Ease
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Mastering Bottom Navigation in Jetpack Compose: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Show/Hide it with Ease

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexities of bottom navigation in your Android app? Do you struggle to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality? Worry no more! In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into the world of Jetpack Compose and explore the intricacies of showing and hiding bottom navigation like a pro. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

Why Bottom Navigation Matters

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why bottom navigation is essential in modern Android app design. A well-implemented bottom navigation system can:

  • Enhance user experience by providing quick access to key features
  • Improve app navigation and reduce cognitive load
  • Boost engagement and conversions by making essential actions prominent

However, a poorly designed bottom navigation can lead to clutter, confusion, and frustration. That’s why it’s crucial to get it right, and that’s where Jetpack Compose comes in.

Jetpack Compose: A Game-Changer for Android App Development

Jetpack Compose is a revolutionary UI toolkit for Android that simplifies the process of building high-quality, scalable, and maintainable user interfaces. With Compose, you can write declarative code that’s easy to read, write, and maintain.

In the context of bottom navigation, Compose provides a robust and flexible system for creating custom navigation components that adapt to different screen sizes, orientations, and devices.

Show Me the Code!

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get our hands dirty and create a bottom navigation system using Jetpack Compose. We’ll start by creating a simple `BottomNavigation` composable function:

fun BottomNavigation(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    items: List<BottomNavItem>,
    selectedItem: Int,
    onItemClick: (Int) -> Unit
) {
    Column(modifier = modifier) {
        items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
                icon = item.icon,
                label = item.label,
                selected = index == selectedItem,
                onClick = { onItemClick(index) }

This `BottomNavigation` composable takes in a list of `BottomNavItem` objects, the currently selected item, and an `onItemClick` callback. It then lays out the navigation items using a `Column` composable.

Hiding and Showing Bottom Navigation

Now that we have our `BottomNavigation` composable, let’s explore how to show and hide it dynamically. We’ll use a simple `NavController` to control the visibility of the navigation:

fun NavController(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    navItems: List<NavItem>
) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    val showBottomNav = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

        bottomBar = {
            if (showBottomNav.value) {
                    items = navItems,
                    selectedItem = navController.currentDestination?.index ?: 0,
                    onItemClick = { navController.navigate(navItems[it].route) }
    ) {
        // Your app's content

    // Toggle bottom navigation visibility
    IconButton(onClick = { showBottomNav.value = !showBottomNav.value }) {
        Icon(Icons.Filled.Menu, "Toggle Bottom Navigation")

In this example, we use a `NavController` to manage the navigation state, and a `mutableStateOf` to store the visibility of the bottom navigation. We then use an `IconButton` to toggle the visibility of the navigation.

Advanced Use Cases

What if you want to hide the bottom navigation on certain screens or under specific conditions? Compose makes it easy to customize and extend the navigation system to fit your app’s unique needs.

Screen-Specific Navigation Hiding

Let’s say you want to hide the bottom navigation on the login screen. You can create a custom `LoginScreen` composable that overrides the `showBottomNav` state:

fun LoginScreen() {
        modifier = Modifier,
        navItems = emptyList(),
        showBottomNav = false
    ) {
        // Login screen content

Conditional Navigation Hiding

What if you want to hide the bottom navigation when the user is in a specific state, such as when they’re in a chat conversation? You can use a conditional statement to control the visibility of the navigation:

fun ChatScreen() {
    val isInChat = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

        modifier = Modifier,
        navItems = emptyList(),
        showBottomNav = !isInChat.value
    ) {
        // Chat screen content

    // Update the isInChat state when the user leaves the chat
    Button(onClick = { isInChat.value = false }) {
        Text("Leave Chat")


And that’s it! With these simple yet powerful techniques, you can master the art of showing and hiding bottom navigation in Jetpack Compose. By following this guide, you’ll be able to create adaptable, flexible, and user-friendly navigation systems that elevate your Android app’s overall experience.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the Compose mindset and embracing its declarative programming model. With practice and patience, you’ll be able to create complex navigation systems that shine.

Bonus: Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting

Before we wrap up, let’s cover some common pitfalls and troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common issues:

Pitfall Solution
Navigation not updating Make sure to use `remember` or `mutableStateOf` to store navigation state
Bottom navigation not hiding Check if the `showBottomNav` state is being updated correctly
Navigation items not clickable Verify that the `onItemClick` callback is being called correctly

By following these tips and best practices, you’ll be able to overcome common obstacles and create a seamless navigation experience for your users.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, mastering bottom navigation in Jetpack Compose is a crucial step in creating a highly engaging and user-friendly Android app. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to show and hide bottom navigation with ease, adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, and create a navigation system that shines.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Happy coding, and see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to show or hide the bottom navigation in Compose? Worry not! We’ve got you covered. Here are the answers to your most pressing questions.

How do I hide the bottom navigation in Compose?

You can hide the bottom navigation in Compose by using the `Scaffold` composable and setting the `bottomBar` parameter to `null`. For example: `Scaffold(bottomBar = { null }) { … }`. This will remove the bottom navigation from your screen.

How do I show the bottom navigation in Compose?

To show the bottom navigation in Compose, you can use the `Scaffold` composable and pass a `BottomNavigation` composable as the value of the `bottomBar` parameter. For example: `Scaffold(bottomBar = { BottomNavigation { … } }) { … }`. This will display the bottom navigation at the bottom of your screen.

Can I conditionally show or hide the bottom navigation in Compose?

Yes, you can conditionally show or hide the bottom navigation in Compose by using a conditional statement to determine whether to display the `BottomNavigation` composable or not. For example: `Scaffold(bottomBar = { if (showBottomNav) BottomNavigation { … } else null }) { … }`. This will show or hide the bottom navigation based on the value of the `showBottomNav` variable.

How do I animate the show/hide of the bottom navigation in Compose?

You can animate the show/hide of the bottom navigation in Compose by using the `animateVisibility` modifier and the `AnimatedVisibility` composable. For example: `AnimatedVisibility(visible = showBottomNav) { BottomNavigation { … } }`. This will animate the show/hide of the bottom navigation based on the value of the `showBottomNav` variable.

What is the best practice for managing the state of the bottom navigation in Compose?

The best practice for managing the state of the bottom navigation in Compose is to use a state holder class, such as a `ViewModel`, to store the state of the bottom navigation. This allows you to easily manage the state of the bottom navigation and react to changes in the state. You can then use this state to conditionally show or hide the bottom navigation as needed.

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